Thursday, February 16, 2012

Taco Chicken - One pan!

I make a yummy one pan dish that's called Taco Chicken.  When my kids were very small they called it taco soup so we sometimes refer to the dish as Taco Soup, but it's chicken, taco seasoning and rice and it's so easy.
 This is my dinner with some cheese on top.  I don't eat it with a fork, just with tortilla chips!

Here is what we need.  Below is a photo of the recipe.  I took this picture so I could shop at the store :D
This recipe calls for a green pepper.  I used to put the pepper in, but I would always pick it out and so would my kids - so I left it out today.  This doesn't list garlic, but a little garlic tastes good in EVERYTHING. 
I used three breasts of chicken today.  I have used four when I have more people to feed.  But these are from Costco and it was a lot of meat.  I cut the pieces small, but I wish I had cut them even a little smaller.  Because I eat this dish with chips I don't want to have to cut the chicken any smaller - AFTER cooking it. 
So you cook the chicken in a skillet.  I cooked mine in two batches.  With all the cooked chicken in the pan, add the can of chicken broth, a small can of tomato sauce and the taco seasoning.  Bring this to a boil then cover and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring often. 
Add the can of drained corn and the green pepper.  Bring to a boil again and add the minute rice.
Stir well, turn off the heat.  Cover and let sit for 5-7 minutes.  Put some cheese on top and scoop it up with tortilla chips.  YUMMY!

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